Rachel Brown is a commercial and fine art photographer in addition to photo director working for publications such as Harper’s Bazaar, on the 24th Marth University of Huddersfield final year photography students had the opportunity to discuss their work with Brown in group tutorials. For the tutorial I shared my first test sequence for my final project “I see this in girls your age”, a series exploring medical misogyny through the experiences of women in a single family. Brown was extremely helpful, giving suggestions for further shoots, feedback on the current sequence, what images would work best for a book cover, and ideas on how to end the sequence. Brown also offered suggestions on what text to include in the book such as interviewee quotes, introducing the book with context on medical misogyny, and incorporating more detailed background on each individual’s story either in a short paragraph or interview transcripts at the end of the book. The tutorial was also helpful for discussing possible exhibition ideas, the two main suggestions for this were presenting the images as a scattered collage on the wall and using audio of the interviews for viewers to listen to through headphones.
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